College Paper » Discussions

Healing and Meditation for Your Inner Child

  • June 21, 2022
    Everything you reside with as a grown-up is rooted in patterns and habits established as a child. These patterns are your "inner child" and affect your love relationships, your friendships, your career, and your spiritual life. In reality, these patterns indicate how well you is going to do in life. You will need to discover how the habits were formed and how to bring healing and resolution to your memories, pain, trauma, anger, fear, and obviously your self-image issues. You can re-parent your childhood and give yourself the childhood you need. It is essential to release all of the issues at all levels. Should you no heal a concern at all levels, it lingers and returns to haunt you.

    The 2nd chakra, the spiritual center below the navel, is home to the inner child. Common problems of the inner child include:
    - Feeling of abandonment and shame.
    - Fear of betrayal.
    - Terror of being hurt.
    - A sense of helplessness or hopelessness.
    - Depression.
    - The feeling of being overburdened.
    - The feeling of being bad enough.
    - The sense of being "stuck" ;.
    - The feeling of being unlovable.

    In the event that you deal with adult situations from a perspective of a wounded child, it results in some trouble, misunderstanding, and even tragedy. The pain of childhood - real and metaphorical - can cast a darkness over your entire adult experience unless it is corrected.

    [b]Meditation for Healing[/b]

    Sit in a quiet area and take some deep breaths in and out. Slowly inhale to the count of five and then exhale slowly to the count of five. Relax and opt for the eternal flow of life. Take at the least five more breaths in and out and spell the phrase CALM in your mind. Let the love and light of the universe enter your physical body and enhance your relaxation and meditation. Now go deeper your heart chakra where you find compassion. Feel the love and oneness of most humanity.

    See yourself as a young child between three and six years old. Visualize yourself only at that age. Look deep into the eyes of yourself as a young child and hug your inner self. Discover the needs of the child. Perhaps it requires love or trust or security or being valued. Whatever that child needs, give it and love this child of God unconditionally. Let this child's needs be heard and healed. Listen from what this child is suggesting to be healed mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually at every level. See what this child has been looking forward to and let it feel loved and valued and supported. Allow your inner child to receive deep love and nurturing. Let this child receive total healing, acceptance, and peace. Permit this child to be embraced by the God Presence and be reborn with pure love. Let your heart and soul surrender to the pure love of the God Presence, wherein all truth and healing lies. Surrender your pain and suffering to the God Presence. Bear in mind you're precious and loved and your world and life are changing and evolving right into a higher spiritual consciousness.

    For more information on Divine Love&Lights Meditation go to Azura
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