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Be bold but not aggressive in your essay

  • August 29, 2022
    Be bold but not aggressive
    Challenge nonsensical statements and strange statements with your head held high, not in a rude and aggressive manner. You must back up all criticism with clear facts and circumstances. Give examples and, again, do not be afraid of jocular exaggeration. Try to explain why this or that view of the subject is wrong, what your view brings and in what context.

    Don't be afraid to be specific and name the culprits in a straightforward way or assign them a symbol. But always remember the basic rule, an essay is a level writing piece, so should your critiquing.

    At the very end, the reader will get the denouement. In layman's terms, where does your essay actually lead? What do you think is the solution? Why is it beneficial? What steps can take to improve the situation? You can even generalize your claims. But the point is that the reader must sense that your essay was not an analysis of the issue or a hysterical cry in the dark, but a contribution and a good use of time.

    The linguistic devices of the essay
    Go to extremes in linguistic devices. Create parallels, fresh metaphors and metonymies, use symbolism as well as hyperbole and irony. Do not be afraid to quote Czech and foreign minds and great personalities of history. This will add seriousness and a certain expertise to the essay.

    But don't overdo it with the quotes, after all, this is not about introducing your idol. When you yourself sense that your essay is overflowing with linguistic devices, ease off the gas and be natural and believable. No one wants to read overwrought, would-be witty similes of unbearable proportions.

    Enthusiasm is valuable.
    You can read the author's enthusiasm and passion in any text, whether it is a simple description or a mature essay. Enjoy the writing, think with a sense of inner conviction, and certainly don't try to force yourself to finish the text now and here. The essay requires time and a good deal of thought.

    When you sense that your brain capacity for the day is reporting overload, switch off and stop thinking about the essay. You'll find that the next time you sit down at your computer, you'll know exactly what to write.

    You may find that in the course of writing you have changed the topic in the heat of enthusiasm. It's not unusual. Just rewrite the beginning and continue with your thoughts. That's the beauty of an essay.
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