
Common Pregnancy Sleep Problems

Sleeping with a newborn is a tough task to accomplish and everyone is well aware of the fact. But a majority of people are unaware of the fact that sleeping during pregnancy and resting is equally hard. If records are to be checked, a recent survey reports that a majority of pregnant women experience sleep problems during pregnancy and suffer from sleep inefficiency. 

As pregnancy progresses you experience skin changes, hair loss and various other side effects on the body. Whether you are in the first trimester of pregnancy or in the final trimester, along with body changes you will experience sleep deprivation due to multiple reasons. 

We will discuss common pregnancy sleep problems that make it difficult for you to have a sound sleep during pregnancy. 


Common pregnancy sleep problems:


  1. A pregnant woman Pee quite frequently


The need to pee frequently during pregnancy due to hormonal changes disturbs the sleep, especially in the first and the final trimester of pregnancy. When you are pregnant hCG is increased which results in needing you to pee frequently thereby hindering sleep. Apart from this, the pressure on the bladder makes you urinate frequently. 


  1. Body discomfort


The womb increases with each trimester which results in causing body discomforts thereby resulting in difficulty in sleeping.


  1. Heartburn And Acidity


Heartburn and acidity are some of the most common pregnancy sleep problems. A slightest of change during pregnancy causes trouble in sleeping. 


  1. Nose Blockage And Congestion


Nose block and congestion can occur anytime during pregnancy which can hinder your sleep. Increased progesterone and estrogen levels in your body increase the blood volume and flow everywhere, even in the smallest of veins. It becomes impossible to have a sound sleep in such a condition.


  1. Sleep Apnea And Snoring


When we talk about common pregnancy sleep problems, sleep apnea & snoring can't be ignored. It is a common problem that pregnant women can experience during any trimester. The weight gain during pregnancy contributes to such a condition. 

  1. Cramping Legs


As the pregnancy progresses, a pregnant woman puts on extra kilos that exert pressure on muscles and nerves thereby causing cramps. Cramping legs is one of the most common problems experienced by pregnant women at night which disturbs sleep.


  1. Insomnia


Insomnia refers to an inability to sleep at night. Whether it is anxiety, stress, hormonal surges or any of the other physiological problems during pregnancy, it can lead to Insomnia. 

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