Recent Entries

  • B-Town supports Salman Khan

    Actor Salman Khan has been in the news for a hit-and-run case from past 13 years is now going to settle down the issue on May 6th. It is said that the court officials will deliver the final verdict on the case on May 6th this year. The entire Bollywood industry is going to support Salman Khan. He...
  • Priyanka relieves finishing face off with Deepika

    Actress Priyanka Chopra is one of the talented artists in the B-Town who is known for beauty and her commitment. The Bollywood glamorous actresses Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone are known for their mettle in the industry. The duo has finally finished the shoot of the most anticipated dance fac...
  • Anushka Sharma celebrates her 27th Birthday in an unusual way

    Actress Anushka Sharma is known for her mettle in the Indian filmdom who is hitting the headlines of the news paper for one or the other issue. The latest we heard that Anushka Sharma is celebrating her 27th Birthday in an unusual way. It is heard that she is going to celebrate her birthday with ...
  • Nepal quake hit death raises to 6,621

    It was already reported that on April 25th Nepal Katmandhu was hit with earthquake at 7.2 magnitude and has found nearly 4500 people died. The latest we came to know that Nepal was hit by quake again yesterday i.e. on May 2nd at 11.00 a.m. Lakshmi Prasad spokesman of Home Ministry said, "We are t...
  • Mumbai *** Worker’s daughters gets US people support

    It is reported that Mumbai is known for talented artists in the Indian filmdom and for *** workers too. The *** workers daughters from Kamathipura generated and directed a script which is slated to play in various cities in the US which starts from next week. Robin Chaurasiya said, “In the ...
  • Quake hits Nepal again at 5.1 magnitude

    It is already mentioned that Nepal was hit with earth quake on April 25th which is the third quake. The latest we heard that quake hit Nepal again today Morning i.e. on May 2nd at 11.30 a.m. The earlier reports say that there are nearly 5000 found dead from April 25th till date. Due to the latest...
  • Ramesh Aravind feels “UV” made him better Human

    Ramesh Aravind is known as an actor and he turned as director for Kamal Haasan-starrer "Uttama Villain". He said that he feels “UV” has made him a better human being. Aravind told, "You learn a lot when you work on a big project like 'Uttama Villain'. You learn about others, you learn...
  • Lawrence, Nitya and Taapsee teams up for promo

    Filmmaker and actor Raghava Lawrence is on cloud nine for his latest outing “Kanchana 2” is breaking records. The latest we heard that actresses Nitya and Taapsee along with Raghava are planning to shoot a promo video. Actor-filmmaker Raghava Lawrencce's latest Tamil outing "Kanchana ...
  • Irrfan prefers to work with Big B

    Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan is one of the talented artists in the industry. The latest we heard that Irrfan prefers to work with Bollywood Megastar. He said, "The chemistry between Bachchan sahab and me in the film has been very memorable and I would want to work with him again". He told, "If we...
  • Shruti Haasan says it is impossible to perform like my parents

    Actress Shruti Haasan is none other than daughter of Universal actor Kamal Haasan and Sarika. The latest we heard that the actress says it is impossible to perform like her parents. Shruti said, "It's impossible for me to perform like my parents. You can't compare -- be it a father and daughter o...
  • “Dum Laga Ke..” gets screens in New York

    Director Sharat Katariya is on cloud nine as his directorial venture “Dum Laga Ke..” was nominated to be screened for 15th Annual New York Indian Film Festival (NYIFF). This event is touted to be screened on May 9th this year as this is the Closing Night Gala Celebrations. Aroon Shiv...
  • Ram Kapoor teams up with Sunny in action thriller

    Ram Kapoor and Sunny Leone has shared screen space in “Kuch Kuch Locha Hai” and won the heart of the critics too. The latest we heard that Ram is going to team up with hot actress Sunny Leone in an action thriller. Ram said, "It was an absolute pleasure and we had a blast working toge...
  • “Roadies X2” judges lends support to Nepal quake hit

    As we reported earlier that Nepal was attacked by earthquake scaling 7.2 on the writer scale where nearly 5000 people were found dead. The latest news is that the “Roadies X2” judges lend support to the Nepal quake hit. Roadies X2 is a popular reality show highlighted on Small Screens...
  • Justin reveals his new hairstyle

    Popular singer Justin Bieber is testing the patience of his fans from a week to reveal his new hairstyle. The latest we heard that Justin finally revealed his new look. On Thursday Justin shared his photo through Instagram. In this picture Justin wore a grey-black hoodie with his blonde hair. O...
  • Akshay-Sidharth’s “Brothers” releases in August

    Karan Johar is busy with the works of his upcoming film titled as “Brothers” directed by Karan Malhotra. The latest we heard that the film is all set to release in the month of August. Actors Akshay Kumar, Sidharth Malhotra and actress Jacqueline Fernandez will be seen in title cards....
  • Swastika Mukherjee sports a new look in “Family Album”

    Actress Swastika Mukherjee is known for her mettle in “Detective Byomkesh Bakshy” released recently. The latest we heard that Swastika she want to play a lesbian in her upcoming film “Family Album”. Swastika told, "My character has a special person in her life. Every human...
  • Vikram Bhatt takes “Mr. X” debacle blame

    Director Vikram Bhatt is known for directing unique scripts and the latest we heard that he doesn’t want to blame anyone for the flop of his latest release film “Mr. X”. He says, "I don't know if there was a showdown (with Fox). But I know that any director who passes on the buc...
  • Hema Malini-Dharmendra celebrates 35th wedding Anniversary

    Actress turned politician Hema malini is happy about her successful family life with her husband Dharmendra. The latest we heard that the duo has completed 35 successful years of her marriage. Through twitter she tweeted, "Good morning! Dharamji & I celebrated a wonderfully relaxing Wedding Anniv...