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Promise Rings for Couples

  • Leader
    Mar 31
    Matching Couple Rings have been exchanged for decades. They have a long and rich history going back to the time of ancient times where promise rings were utilized to seal agreements between two people, a person and God or even cities and the ocean!

    In the 16th or 17th century, rings of promise were a popular symbol for expressing love or friendship as a custom that has been carried on to current times. The rise of engagement and weddings however there are many who are confused about what function promise rings are playing in the 21st century.

    Are promise rings only reserved for couples? Not at all!

    Nowadays, promise rings are mostly, but not exclusively, exchanged by romantic couples. The fact that a couple is able to exchange a promise ring does not necessarily guarantee that the promise will be romantic.

    Each promise is distinct So your promise ring could carry various significances. Consider these considerations for every level of commitment.

    Different types of Promise Rings

    What promises do you want to keep? The greater the commitment is, the more valuable will be the rings.


    A ring doesn't always mean love...or marriage. Some couples may make use of a ring as a symbol and showcase eternal friendship and a bond of love and affection that can never be broken. These rings may be exchanged between friends and perhaps even worn on the right hand.

    What to Buy: The most wonderful friendships rarely need a grand declaration. Simple, yet elegant piece of jewelry will make a great impression. A bent or faceted band made of an unusual metal (pictured on the left) provides a modern appearance. A beautifully engraved band is perfect for people who love vintage looks.

    Future Engagement

    Throughout the generations, promise rings were often presented to promise an engagement in the future. It was usually regarded as an engagement ring in preparation that was meant to showcase the sincerity and seriousness of a partnership. A promise ring can be presented as a pledge of engagement, however the person who gives it should make their intent evident.

    Promise rings need to be less visually appealing as engagement rings. The elegance of a slim band with a tiny solitaire diamond is subtle but it clearly displays the commitment you have to take your relationship to the next level. Pick a unique material such as rose-gold to distinguish it from a genuine engagement ring.

    A Lifetime Commitment

    It is less favored by young people who have waited longer to be married. Promise rings can be exchanged between couples who may not feel at the point of getting married, but desire to demonstrate their commitment to one another. If you are using promise rings to display a lifetime commitment, both individuals should wear the ring.

    What to buy Rings that match are great commitment rings. These rings could be made with a simple band, and a diamond but why settle for something less? To give a ring a more unique look you can add symbols and words of love. The more individual the ring more personal, the more personal it will be.

    One of the most impressive examples we've seen is fingerprint rings. Engraving your partner's unique fingerprint on your ring isn't just romantic, but it's also a constant reminder of the special relationship you have with your significant other!

    Another Promise

    The meaning of a promise ring may be completely unknown to the outside world, but only to the couple. The rings may have a spiritual significance or a secret vow that is too private and profound to share with anyone else. There are no boundaries for the kind of ring a promise need to symbolise to a couple.

    Your instincts will guide you to decide the best item to purchase. You are free to pick any of the styles above insofar as they help you remember and cherish your commitment.

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