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3 Proven Tips to Make a Case Study presentation

  • September 30, 2022
    Your spoken presentation (and public talking skills), are just as important as the case study copy or slide deck. These quick tips will help you build a solid business case.

    The Storyteller's Passion

    A case study describes a person's story in the face of a challenge to achieve something extraordinary. It should reflect this in your delivery. Don't rely on the "features=>benefits" sales formula. Instead, make the customer the hero in the study. You can describe the process they went through and how your help has helped them succeed.

    You can make your story simple by stating the following:

    • Assistance in getting over a hurdle

    • You can make a significant impact

    • Remarkable milestones

    • How to solve a problem that isn't being solved by anyone else

    Take the above information and create a clear story line. Show where your hero began. Then, tell us about the journey they had. Add emotions to the story to make it more relatable.

    Test Copywriting Formulas

    Copywriting is both the science and art behind organizing words into convincing combinations that will help readers retain the relevant ideas.

    Use these classic copywriting strategies to make sure your audience understands your case study presentation. These are:

    • AIDCA -- abbreviation for Attention. Interest. Desire. Conviction. And Action. Start by addressing the issue. Next, tease the audience with some interesting facts. Demonstrate that you can help them by demonstrating your knowledge. You can then show your conviction that you have the solution.

    • PADS -- abbreviation for Problem, Agitation, Discredit, Solution. This is a selling case study approach. This is a case study in which you start with a problem. Then, you will argue for its importance and discredit any other solutions. You then present your own solution.

    • 4Ps is short for Problem. Promise. Proof. Proposal. This is a middle ground option that favors storytelling over hard pitches. The problem should be set first. First, present a problem and then make a promise that you can solve it. Be able to prove your point with testimonials, numbers and various scenarios. Then, add your proposal for achieving the same results.

    Get an emotion-inducing perspective

    It is important to build trust with your audience by showing empathy and understanding.

    Speaking from an emotion-inducing perspective is one way to establish this connection. This is illustrated best with the following example:

    1. A business owner went to bank

    2. A bank branch owner was approached by a businessman.

    The second case prompts listeners with the words to picture a mental image from the point of view of the bank employees. It's a role that you want them to identify with. If you put your audience in the right mental perspective, it will make them more open to your pitches.

    How to get a great case study presentation? The answer is This is a professional design and writing service which gathers ppt experts in one place.

    Related Resources:

    3 Proven Tips: How to do a case study presentation

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    Three Proven Tips on How to Present a Case Study
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