Recent Entries

  • Karan Jho is very keen for his make-up

    Karan Johar does not need any introduction to the Bollywood industry as he is noted as producer, director and actor too. The latest we heard that Karan Johar is keen about his make up for one of the reality show aired on Small Screens. It is already reported that Karan Johar is judging reality sh...
  • Who is Deepika’s new friend?

    Actress Deepika Padukone is one of the talented artists from the Bollywood industry who is known for her dedication and acting skills. Despite acting in the B-Town most of the stars share rapport in the industry. The latest we heard that the actress has revealed her best pal. Want to know who is ...
  • Anushka Sharma and other celebs spotted

    Actress Anushka Sharma, Shilpa Shetty, and other B-town folks were spotted at different locales in Mumbai. Actress Anushka Sharma was spotted while she is busy with the shoot of her upcoming film. Shilpa Shetty was clicked in Juhu where she is looking in a casual blue shirt and jeans. It is repor...
  • Katrina Kaif says Marriage is not on Cards soon

    Actress Katrina Kaif is one of the talented artists in the B-Town who is known for her acting and dancing skills. Latest buzz that Kartina Kaif says that marriage is not on cards soon as she is not in hurry to marry. It is already known that Katrina and Ranbir were in love-in-relationship from pa...
  • Deepika suffers minor injuries on “Bajirao Mastani” sets

    Actress Deepika Padukone is one of the hot girl in the B-Town who is known for her kind-heartedness and helping the needy. The latest we heard that Deepika suffers minor injuries while shooting for “Bajirao Mastani” directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Deepika was busy with the several ...
  • Akshay’s “Gabbar Is Back” tops the box-office records

    As we all know that Akshay Kumar’s latest release “Gabbar Is Back” released on Friday i.e. on May 1st has won heartthrob fans. The latest we heard that the film has topped the box-office collections. Getting into the details, The film has opened with collection of Rs. 13.05 Cro...
  • Shehnaz feels SRK was more handsome than AbRam

    Bollywood industry’s one of the handsome heroes is none other than Shah Rukh Khan who is also known as King of Romance. The latest we heard that SRK’s sister Shehnaz feels that SRK was more handsome in his childhood than his son AbRam. On Friday she tweeted, "Sisters r so sweet. I ask...
  • Akshay’s “Gabbar Is Back” team overwhelmes with audience respon

    Well it is already mentioned that Akshay Kumar’s upcoming film has gained huge response from the audience even before the film release. The latest news in the Indian filmdom is that Akshay’s “Gabbar Is Back” film response has thrilled the team. Here are a few samples of th...
  • Upcoming Marathi Film’s cast seeks blessings at Siddhivinayak

    It is already known that Shiddhivinayak temple is one of the historical places to view in Mumbai. The latest we heard that upcoming Marathi film’s cast were present at Siddhivinayak temple to seek blessings. Ek Pahele Leela actress Sunny leone and a few other celebrities were spotted in the...
  • Akshay Kumar prefers to try comedy cappers

    B-Town star who is known for acting and dialogue delivery is basking huge fan following despite his films hits and flops. It is known that he is known to entertain audience with unique scripts. The latest we heard that he prefers to be part of comedy cappers, especially like Kela Ka Chilka. He sa...
  • OMG!! SRK sporting new look in “Fan”

    Bollywood Baadshah is one of the talented artists from the Bollywood industry, known as King of Romance, lover boy. The latest we heard that SRK is sporting a new look in his upcoming film titled as “Fan”. SRK is known for selecting unique roles to entertain the audience. In one of hi...
  • Ranbir Impresses Rishi Kapoor with ‘Bombay Velvet’!!

    Actor Ranbir Kapoor is known for his mettle in the filmdom who happens to be son of actor Rishi Kapoor. The latest we heard that Rishi Kapoor was impressed with the mettle of Ranbir in his forthcoming film “Bombay Velvet” directed by Anurag Kashyap. Through social media he wrote, &ldq...
  • Why Prakash Raj’s next film unit forced to move shoot??

    It was already mentioned that Nepal was hit with 7.2 magnitude earth quake on April 25th and many had lost their lives in this quake hit. The team of Prakash Raj’s next film were forced to move shoot from Nepal due to Nepal quake hit. Source says, “The shoot was set to start on May 15...
  • Irrfan Khan’s “Lover Boy” dream fulfilled with “Piku”

    Irrfan Khan is known for selecting unique scripts in the B-Town has revealed that he has a dream to play ‘Lover Boy’ role. This dream was fulfilled by working for “Piku”. He said, “I wanted to do romance & comedy. My wish was fulfilled after I got PIKU (which has rom...
  • Amrita Puri testing her luck in Anurag Basu’s show on small scr

    Actress Amrita Puri is going to make her debut on small screens with Anurag Basu’s show. She is playing a lead role in this show titled as “Charulata”. This show is an adaption of legendary writer Rabindranath Tagore’s novel. This show will be aired in the month of June th...
  • Aamir Khan, Kangana and other B-Town celebs spotted

    Well Bollywood industry is known for hidden talents and helping the needy let it be in terms of money, education and natural crisis. Top Bollywood celebs Aamir Khan, Queen actress Kangana and a few other B-Town celebrities were spotted on Thursday. Aamir Khan was looking cool in white shirt on Th...
  • B-Town director’s honouring William Shakespeare

    As we all know that most of us are interested to read the novels of the legendary writer William Shakespeare and his master pieces. The latest we heard that B-Town celebrities are in plans to honour the legendary writer by promoting his themes. Don’t scratch your heads. Here are the comple...
  • Jammu Kashmir CM urges B-Town directors to take their projects

    Mufti Mohammed Sayeed who is Chief Mininster of Jammu and Kashmir urges filmmakers and top actors urge to take projects to Kashmir. He also invites Dilip Kumar to the Valley. Industry source says, “Mittra told him that many movies have been shot in Kashmir, but security issues act as a hind...

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