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What Website Architecture & How Does Affect Your Business

  • November 3, 2020
    For marketers, site architecture is a critical component of your business initiatives

    These days your website is the core of all of your Digital Marketing Company Bath online business. So it is important that visitors, prospects and customers have an outstanding experience when using the website.

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    What Website Architecture?

    website architecture refers to the technical structure and design of your website such as HTML, content, hyperlinks, user experience and usability. Architecture should also have a positive effect on your business objectives such as brand awareness and lead generation.

    Website modern architecture

    People go to your site because they're looking for help with something, but if they do not find information quickly, they will rise up from your site and find another resource. This happens when you do not align the information architecture (IA) and the purpose of the site.

    In the end, the information architecture is all about how good your website is structured. This includes page layout, types of pages, content organization and navigation.

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    What happens when the two do not work together? Well, a few things that might happen to your website including duplicate content hurts your rankings, a poor user experience, decrease bad KPIs and internal linking.

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    Structure vs. Design

    For one, the site structure is not the same as website design, because it has a completely different focus. Instead of thinking about the appearance, consider the organization and how each page seamlessly connect with one another.

    One of the most important things you need to look after the experience of the user. That is easy. If you have a poorly constructed website, no one would want to waste their time browsing through it, and this will hurt your SEO.

    How? bounce rate and time spent on the site are two factors signal to Google's algorithm. Also, be careful with duplicate content. Google considers these bad shape, and can cause a loss of traffic on the downgrade.

    Another factor will be the site which is the ability of search Digital Marketing Companies Bath to sift through and organize the contents of your website. For this to be possible, internal linking should be seamless, taking visitors from one page to another with no difficulty and contextually relevant.
  • December 15, 2020
    One of the best innovative idea for a Business!

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